Skittering Heart Box
It sounds like something scratchy is inside.
Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon 제작자: Trove Team
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What crawls on six legs, has one mouth, and is ready to try and eat you? Why, a heckbug of course! Heckbugs in Love These buggy baddies full of Defiance are out in force, and it’s up to you to stop them. You can’t do it alone,...
February 11, 2020 Blog
Valentine’s Day arrives tomorrow which, for Trovians, means that hellbugs are in love! Track them down in the Dragonfire Peaks to earn loot by beating back their skittering forces. Hellbugs have a chance to drop Skittering Heart Boxes which may rarel...
February 13, 2018 Blog
Valentine’s Day is close at hand and love is in the air for the PC version of Trove! We hope you stocked up on chocolates and those little candy hearts because you’re going to want to carbo-load to take down the infestation of hellbugs in Trove t...
February 13, 2017 Blog
Valentine’s Day is close at hand and love is in the air for the PC version of Trove! We hope you stocked up on chocolates and those little candy hearts because you’re going to want to carbo-load to take down the infestation of hellbugs in Trove t...
February 9, 2017 Blog