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Cosmic Gem


Cosmic Gem. Found often on the surface of Geode

Imported in Patch: Sunrise Designed by: Trove Team

Cannot be traded

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Punches & Potions - Mysticism

With the Punches & Potions patch now available on the Public Test Server (PTS) we are continuing our series previewing some of the content. This article focuses on Mysticism and the Potions and Buffs that are involved with it. While our last article ...

November 11, 2023 PTS

PTS Update - July 3, 2023

Added functionality back in for Castle Catastra delves with NPC spawns. Say hello to Taeryn Veernok! This new Primoridal Dragon will increase your Cosmic gem stats by 10% when unlocked. When equipped, this dragon will give you & any nearby Trovians...

July 3, 2023 PTS Patch

PC - Sunrise Hotfix #1

The Ashyen Lobber and Irradiant Gearbox allies are now tradable when obtained from Greater Sundered Uplands Caches. All Obsidian scrolls from the Sundered Uplands can now be traded. Allies and minions will now attack Blastflowers. The Clam Chow recip...

June 30, 2022 Patch

Corruxion and Charl the Chaos Dragon

Corruxion a vendor below Luxion, he offers items for Chaos Cores, including fragments for a new Chaos Dragon. You are limited to 10 items purchased per visit. Corruxion arrives on the weekend that Luxion doesn't and stays Friday - Monday and offers the ...

December 4, 2020

January 21st Hotfixes - Leviathan and Heads Changes

The latest Trove hotfix has arrived, and brings around some large changes to Leviathans and Heads as well as some changes to resolve some problems with Adventure Heroes. Trovesaurus Summary Like Shadow Towers, Leviathans spawn openable vaults when def...

January 22, 2020 Patch

Trovesaurus Development Updates - January

Here is a roundup of the changes made to Trovesaurus during the month of January....

February 2, 2019 Site

Crystal Combat Update Tips

We asked our friends over at Laezaria to put together some tips for the console players who are just about to receive the Crystal Combat update. Thanks to [Chronozilla] for organizing this. For more information on the Crystal Combat update, check out our...

January 29, 2019

Crystal Combat Comes to Consoles – February 5, 2019

Unleash fury on the forces of shadow as Crystal Combat comes to consoles on February 5, 2019! Along with the introduction of Uber 10 adventure worlds on Geode’s topside, we’re also bringing an all-new, two-week long event, Subterranean Scram...

January 22, 2019 Blog