Unleash fury on the forces of shadow as Crystal Combat comes to consoles on February 5, 2019! Along with the introduction of Uber 10 adventure worlds on Geode’s topside, we’re also bringing an all-new, two-week long event, Subterranean Scramble.

Geode’s TopsideTop ^

This massive Trove update lets players go on the offensive against the powerful shadowy invaders that have been wreaking havoc on Geode’s surface. These new combat zones cover Uber difficulty levels 8-10 and introduce three brand-new biomes: [biome=Cerise Sandsea], [biome=Hollow Dunes], and [biome=Weathered Wasteland].

Explore huge 5-star dungeons and trigger the Dark Hearts within to unleash a torrent of enemies that want to lay waste to all who stand in their way. Take them down quickly and earn extra rewards!

There are two new stats introduced in Crystal Combat: Light and Dark. Light is a stat found on Crystal gear while Dark exists exclusively on the enemies on Geode. Without the Light stat, you’ll find it virtually impossible to defeat enemies bathed in Dark.

Crystal RarityTop ^

This new item rarity can be found on hats, faces, and weapons in the loot chests from defeating dungeon bosses on Geode’s surface!

Subterranean ScrambleTop ^

During this event, Trovians will work on behalf of Diggsly to find out what happened to his shadow. Earn Diggsly’s Tokens by doing repeatable daily adventures and exchange them for new goodies!

GemsTop ^

We’re very excited to give everyone a chance to discover the changes coming to Gems. A few highlights include removing the cracking mechanic so Gems will never break when upgrading; a new Gem Augment called Contained Chaos Flare; an all-new Gem type called Cosmic Gems!

Cosmic Gems will not replace your existing Gems. Instead, they provide new stats and abilities.

To help players learn how to best utilize Gems as they level, we’re also adding a new Expertise Thread that can be accessed via the Adventures menu.

DragonsTop ^

With Crystal Combat players will discover two new dragons:

Phyconidia, Sower of the Sandsea

Jhorondir, Arms of the Goddess

Trove – Crystal Combat gives every Trovian a chance to grow more powerful than they could have ever imagined!

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hmmmm not bad xD

Ich freue mich schon so sehr. Wird der Hammer

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Looking forward to the grind

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