Shadow Blitz
Empowered Fire Gem for Shadow Hunter. Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Designed by: Trove Team
Cannot be traded
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When going into a revamp for this class we wanted to keep the core concept of the class focusing on single target basic attacks while adding new tools to assist this playstyle. We have removed Radiant Arrow and replaced it with Shadow Seekers. Shadow Se...
Shadow Hunter Gem Shadow Blitz: Gem Basic Attack has been decreased to 250%. The overall attack speed bonus has also been reduced. Sacred Arrow Damage over Time effect has reduced the duration to 7 and now ticks every second instead of eve...
Shadow Hunter Gem Shadow Blitz: Gem Basic Attack damage has been decreased to 325%. Sacred Arrow initial damage decreased to 650%, damage over time effect reduced to 450% every 0.5 seconds for 8.5 seconds. Chloromancer Big Green Gatling da...
Shadow Hunter adjustments: Gem Shadow Blitz: Gem Basic Attack has been increased damage to 350% Fixed a bug that would affect basic attack damage. Reduced speed increase from dodge. Fixed bug where VFX for Dodge speed boost would happen i...
PTS Patch Notes – Subject to change Shadow Hunter Updates When going into a revamp for this class we wanted to keep the core concept of the class focusing on single target basic attacks while adding new tools to assist this playstyle.We have remov...
Welcome to the Mantle of Power! [EDIT: Added 3 previously missed patch notes under the Class Adjustments section!] Added Weekly Contest Leaderboards!Get SOME AMAZING STUFF by competing in a weekly contest with your fellow Trovians! Contests can...
April 26, 2016 Patch