PTS Updates February 2, 2022
Trove Forums
February 3, 2022 (updated 3 years ago)
Shadow Hunter adjustments:
- Gem Shadow Blitz: Gem Basic Attack has been increased damage to 350% Fixed a bug that would affect basic attack damage.
- Reduced speed increase from dodge.
- Fixed bug where VFX for Dodge speed boost would happen in Coin Challenges.
- Shadow Seekers: Additional tweaking to seeker behavior, increased damage for each seeker fired to 450% for 1, 575% for 2, 725% for 3, 950% for 4, 1100% for 5. Slightly increase Seeker generation.
- Sacred Arrow: increased projectile speed, increased damage to 550% damage every 0.5 seconds for 8.5 seconds. Also deals 750% damage on first Contact with enemy. Reduced Sacred Arrow's Cooldown slightly.
Ice Sage adjustments:
- Basic Attack damage decreased to 225% down from 275%.
- Gem Pain Freeze explosion damage decreased to 625% down from 750%.
Neon Ninja adjustments:
- Heuristic Haxstar decreased damage to 275% on level 1, 1000% on level 3. Reduced critical damage bonus on level 3.
- Final Technique damage decreased to 550%.
Vanguardian adjustments:
- Melee basic attack damage decreased to 385%.
- 3rd melee basic attack damage decreased to 450%
- Ranged basic attack damage decreased to 280%.
- 3rd ranged basic attack damage decreased to 450%.
Candy Barbarian adjustments:
- Basic attack damage decreased to 325%
- Vanilla Swirlwind damage decreased to 700%. Reduced Knockback.
- Eis-Crom Cone damage decreased to 1675%
- Rage Candy give physical damage buff has been reduced.
- Voids can no longer be created by Gigastormers.
- Adjusted how the mouse behaves in order to avoid issues when Trove suddenly becomes the active window.
- Adjusted VFX on various Shadow Hunter costumes.
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