Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment
Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
These fragments can be obtained rarely when mining Crystalized Cloud.
Imported in Patch: Geode Criado por: Trove Team
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Sunfest is a time to bask in the glow of the Sun Goddess’s love, but this year something is amiss. The Sun Goddess Statue is under attack from shadow piñatas. It‘s up to you to group together with likeminded Trovians to keep her safe! &nb...
July 9, 2019 Blog
Residents of Trove and Geode alike will join together to celebrate the luminescent power of the Sun Goddess during our first ever interplanetary Sunfest! 8 new adventures will take you on a journey across Trove and beyond! That’s right, you’ll be ab...
July 10, 2018 Blog
Praise the Sun Goddess! Days be long, hot and sunny. Join us in the celebration of Sunfest from Tuesday, July 10, 2018 to Monday, July 23, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. ...
July 10, 2018 Event
These are the new and changed items we've detected on Trove - Geode PTS....
June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Items
We've generated a list of String changes from the current live client to Geode on PTS....