Crafting Material.
Bottles are found growing wildly throughout the world or can be grown through Gardening.
Diseñado por: Trove Team
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TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS from Tuesday, November 21, 2017 to Tuesday, December 5, 2017 on PC's and Consoles. Finishing this 8 step quest chain will award you with a cute [collection=collections/pet/qubesly_turkey] and [collect...
November 21, 2017 Event Turkeytopia
These are the strings from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
Salve o futuro, resolva o mistério da pesca no plasma! Cheque todos os 10 passos neste artigo. Atenção, este artigo contém spoilers. Terça-feira, 26 de Setembro até Segunda-feira, 9 de Outubro de 2017 em PC's e C...
September 27, 2017 BR
拯救未来,发现等离子钓鱼的秘密!(并不) 本文章包括所有任务。前方剧透高能,非工作人员勿入! 时间:周二, 9月26日, 2017 ~ 周一, 10月9日, 2017 地点:全平台! 内容:本次活动包含1...
September 26, 2017 ZH-CN
Sauvez le futur, résolvez le mystère de la pêche Plasma ! Regardez les 10 étapes dans cet article. Attention, cet article contient des spoilers. Mardi 26 Septembre au Lundi 8 Octobre 2017 sur PC et Consoles. L'event contient 1...
¡Salve el futuro, resuelva el misterio de la pesca con plasma! Compruebe los 10 pasos de este artículo. Tenga en cuenta que este artículo contiene spoilers. Martes 26 de septiembre de 2017 hasta el lunes 9 de octubre de 2017 en PCs y ...
Save the future, solve the mystery of plasma fishing! Check all 10 steps in this article. Be warned, this article contains spoilers. Tuesday, September 26, 2017 to Monday, October 9, 2017 on PC's and Consoles. The event features...
September 26, 2017 Event
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
If you missed our livestream on Friday we’re about to blow your mind: we recorded the whole thing! That’s right, party people, it’s almost as if you can get all the livestream knowledge on your own schedule. Be sure to watch it soon...
February 18, 2017 Blog