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T-117: Detail distance in settings (or the /loddistance command) does not affect object instances, it only

No Description





A bug report from a player




Jan 25, 2022



ab 3 years ago Ticket T-117 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 935476700484075541
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Detail distance in settings (or the /loddistance command) does not affect object instances, it only *attempts* to affect terrain. There's a problem with this: terrain is never made up of voxels smaller than a full world unit, so the attempt to lower the level of detail on distant terrain does nothing. I think it would make much more sense to allow detail distance to also affect object instances, as distant models being less complex can improve performance without making them completely invisible to the player (which is what happens with the /objdistance command).
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 89918356290797568
            [username] => ab
            [avatar] => 23c5afb38258370b23ad024277fc1958
            [discriminator] => 3772
            [public_flags] => 512

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-25T10:10:25.712000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


Detail distance in settings (or the /loddistance command) does not affect object instances, it only *attempts* to affect terrain. There's a problem with this: terrain is never made up of voxels smaller than a full world unit, so the attempt to lower the level of detail on distant terrain does nothing. I think it would make much more sense to allow detail distance to also affect object instances, as distant models being less complex can improve performance without making them completely invisible to the player (which is what happens with the /objdistance command).

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