The community bug tracker is now in read-only mode - Please see the gamigo knowledge base for Bug Reports for Trove. Links to this page will be removed March 1, 2025.
Open Tickets
- Reported 160 A bug report from a player
- Reopened 0 Previously closed by the Trove Team but Trovesaurus has verified and reopened.
- Acknowledged 112 Acknowledged by The Trove Team as a bug
Closed Tickets
- Intended 2 The issue reported is intended game behavior and is not considered a bug.
- Fixed Internally 74 This bug has been fixed on the developers servers, it will be deployed to the live servers in a future update.
- Fixed In-game 192 Fixed on the live servers
- Needs More Info 21 Needs more information so we can understand it.
- Not a Bug 90 This issue is not a bug or this report is not a bug report.
- Can't Reproduce 66 We can't reproduce this bug, please let us know if there are more specific steps needed.
- Duplicate 44 This bug already exists somewhere on this tracker.