Trove loading screen fan art contest Challenge ended 4 years ago

Showing all art with the tag Trove loading screen fan art contest.

Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest - Results

Thank you all for submitting your creations for future loading screens, it's lovely to see your work. The Trove Team have got back to us with a list of winners and honourable mentions.

Etaew May 8, 2020 0 1

Best Buddies

#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest

Featured Art Comments:

"I will protect it" - Tauf
"I want to see it grow up healthy" - Meowser
"I want to tell my friends and neighbors about it" - entity
"Wow" - Phantasie
"As Phantasie said "wow"" - Tynaut
"Best buddies is best, I shared with my buddies." - Mobi

How Dare You!

#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest

Featured Art Comments:

Sky says:

This looks so adorable! I love the attention to detail and the size of the Sun Goddess and giants compared to the Trovians makes a whole lot of sense. I also like that random bandage on the Goddess' head hinting on the destruction of the Hub statue.

Anti-Invader Formation

#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest

Featured Art Comments:

CDM says:

A gorgeous work all round, the attention to detail is astounding, from the visual effects such as the lightning to the shading and lighting on the characters. An insurmountable foe rendered beautifully!

Boomer and Chloro's Daily Donation


Featured Art Comments:

Mobi says: Way to capture the essence of Bunfest in this art, well done!

choco farming


Featured Art Comments:

Mobi says: Wonderful work, love this style with the egg patterns and outfit.

Good boy, handsome boy

#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest

Featured Art Comments:

The textures and lighting in this piece are incredible. – Meowser

What remarkable use of color and texture! This hungry, slavering, vicious creature sure is a good, handsome boy. – Entity

so disturbing, so good- Habidakus

I'm a horror movie fan, and that one looks like the image before a title card, so it got me. - Bliza

Love all the details, so precious and gruesome in a good way. - Mobi

Out from the Cavern

#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest

Featured Art Comments:

"My name is Jel
My world is nitro and builderite"

- MrE