[Helmet] [Animal Head]

Sss Snake ssss snake its a Ssss Snake
SSnnnake status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
SSnnnake status has been set to Needs Review
octarock 5 years ago
SSnnnake status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
SSnnnake status has been set to Needs Review
octarock 5 years ago
SSnnnake status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
SSnnnake status has been set to Needs Review
octarock 5 years ago

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Hello again!
Thank you for fixing backside and insides of a helmet, it looks better now!
I think there has been a bit too much time spent on this one already and it is as good as its gonna get. There is a lot of charm in this snake, and there is improvement from v1 to v6 for sure :)
Going to set it as Approved, lets hope devs like chubby snakes :D
Hello again!
Its definitely getting there! Coloring on front and back looks alright, and neck finally looks not that thick, good job :)
I am truly sorry that i didnt mention this on last review, guess my brain picked neck as biggest issue to solve first and decided not to accent attention on other ones.
With the current design there is a whole lot of 'neck' on the back of helmet, that looks very weird in-game. It is most visible on knight. Any chance you could reduce size there aswell?
Also, it is generally a good thing to keep insides of the model clean too. Left is as it is now - right is fixed. I understand it must be a whole lot harder to do in voxel editors that dont have slice option, but having artifacts like that is nearly as bad as having floating voxels or Noise coloring, aside from simply looking messy.
Really hoping you wont give up on this one.
Hello again!
Sorry for the delay.
Shading and color looks better, i very much like the square spot you added on top, may be some more of those could really brighten up the pattern. That >>> coloring i suggested on first review is far from being a perfect one, im sure you can do better than that. Good job on fixing the attachment point too.
However, it looks like shape is exactly the same? Im sorry but im not sold on it :( Ofcourse i could approve anything in any condition, but then its much less likely that Trove dev team will chose such creations to add in game. Im pretty sure snake could be much cuter and Trovian than it is at the moment.
Even though snakes have very simple pipe-shape, they do have distinct head/chin, especially when they are 'sitting straight'. On your snake you are filling that whole space behind orange line with voxels, making the neck very thick. I believe that needs to be altered for snake to look right.
Next, it seems you are using full allowed height. May be it would be easier to shape snakes head if there was less neck? On the image below i highlighted the line where helmet could already end + squished version (VERY rough edit, dont quote me using this one haha).
Back to active, please do something about that neck.
Hello once again!
SkyTheVirus already left some very good feedback it seems :D
I fully agree, you are getting there! Shape already looks much better. Just a tiny bit more effort on that and coloring and it could achieve greatness :)
For attachment point, it would seem you rotated the template. Those two holes in black hood are eye holes, so they need to be facing to the front of your helmet, not back. That will place attachment point in the right position.
Way it is positioned at the moment leaves a huge hole on the back side.
Also im pretty sure i mentioned that before but may be not in your posts, provided template works as helmet itself. Head size is 10x10x10 and it fits IN the template, which means you can use black template as visible and colored layer for your helmet already, there is no need to build around that.
Because of those, your snake has a very thick neck. Im pretty sure it will look better and more snake-like if it was as thin as possible instead.
For color, SkyTheVirus has some very good suggestions! On top of those, previous version of a tongue color looked way better, neon-purple feels rather out of place.
Going to set this one back to active for now.
You're starting to get to it, but I think the belly/lower face colors are too jarring of a change, try softening up the gradient. Also, add the voxels to the pupils cause the concave look makes it look weird at an angle.
Also there are artifacts (instances of base models left over) in the inside plus a hole in the back.
Hello again!
This looks handsome and menacing :D Is this a snake or frilled lizard though? Im sorry i cant tell for sure, but i think its closer to a snake so going to base feedback on that.
In any case, it looks like your creation does not follow the template. Please try to make sure you are using correct dimensions and players head gets covered by helmet, not replaced by it.
Another thing, as with your previous creation, the way you apply texture to things seems very chaotic. For trove-style we are looking for more clean, straight and smooth color choices and patterns, check out other recently accepted helmets for examples at least.
About the shape, i do very much like the idea of open mouth and exposed tongue/teeth but proportions of skull/neck feel a rather off. It might help to make chin more noticeable instead of blending that with the neck. Smaller mouth and a bit lower placed eyes could make it look cuter. Trove is family-friendly game afterall, so cute is preferred over scary.
I made a quick edit based on the feedback, its still very far from perfect though but may be will give you couple of ideas on where to proceed with your design.
Going to set this one to Active.
Ps, Guessing you scrapped that penguin you were working on? Thats a shame, i really thought it was getting there, but its your call ofcourse.