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Commented on SSnnnake Helmet creation

Hello again!

This looks handsome and menacing :D Is this a snake or frilled lizard though? Im sorry i cant tell for sure, but i think its closer to a snake so going to base feedback on that.

In any case, it looks like your creation does not follow the template. Please try to make sure you are using correct dimensions and players head gets covered by helmet, not replaced by it.

Another thing, as with your previous creation, the way you apply texture to things seems very chaotic. For trove-style we are looking for more clean, straight and smooth color choices and patterns, check out other recently accepted helmets for examples at least.

About the shape, i do very much like the idea of open mouth and exposed tongue/teeth but proportions of skull/neck feel a rather off. It might help to make chin more noticeable instead of blending that with the neck. Smaller mouth and a bit lower placed eyes could make it look cuter. Trove is family-friendly game afterall, so cute is preferred over scary.

I made a quick edit based on the feedback, its still very far from perfect though but may be will give you couple of ideas on where to proceed with your design.

Going to set this one to Active.

Ps, Guessing you scrapped that penguin you were working on? Thats a shame, i really thought it was getting there, but its your call ofcourse.