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Mod Comments
Showing all Comments posted on mod pages.
lacario1417 on
Shadow Ganda (Not Yabaki) | Mounts Mod
8 years ago
dude... if this gets added could i have a code, cause this is awesome
CaptainMcDuffy on
Hanzo Shimada | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
When are the VFX coming?
Btw, to match skin tone use guy and skin tone 3
VishalDABOMBKumar on
[Griffon] Auricx, the Golden Glider | Mounts Mod
8 years ago
This is sooooooooooooo cool!
StormReaper on
Boss Health | GUI Mod
8 years ago
Still not sure what's going wrong on your end, it seems like file is downloaded incorrectly somehow? Anyway hope its sorted now, if you renamed the files it should work.
Henrique281 on
The Herald's Herald | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
KawaiiCaretaker on
[Griffon] Auricx, the Golden Glider | Mounts Mod
8 years ago
This shoule be added to ToWs
*get in my Griffy collections <3*
NotWhoItSeems on
Boss Health | GUI Mod
8 years ago
it is in tmod just not named correctly,
rename the file into:
Boss health.tmod
that works for me alteast.
Isiel on
Cyberian-Tunda Survivor | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
i really need this in-game man !!!
Chipu92 on
Boss Health | GUI Mod
8 years ago
But i only can download this
Called only as "Boss" without any specific infos, if i move it into Trove Mods Ordner it says this:
on an other mod i got the .tmod but not of KarmaBar and Boss health D:
StormReaper on
Boss Health | GUI Mod
8 years ago
Try using the program it's really easy, or you can even extract the files from tmod using the program if you so wish.
TomNoble on
Clock | GUI Mod
8 years ago
Using it and loving it :)
Reborn_josh on
Boss Health | GUI Mod
8 years ago
can this be made as a zip file please? i dont know how to use the mod system that trove made.
WolyMix on
TheSymbols Chat Mod | GUI Mod
8 years ago
Command has to take the chat time?
Prix3m_96 on
Radiant Hunter | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
it would be great if you make a costume for the shadow hunter batman
Prix3m_96 on
Invisible Shadow Hunter | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
it would be great if you make a costume for the shadow hunter batman
Prix3m_96 on
Hunter's Nemesis | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
it would be great if you make a costume for the shadow hunter batman
_maf on
Illuri to Ganda (updated) | Mounts Mod
8 years ago
Ah ok, glad that's sorted out now.
StormReaper on
Boss Health | GUI Mod
8 years ago
I've only released it as a .tmod, so not sure what you have downloaded?
EsbirroGris on Neon UI Pack | GUI Mod
8 years ago