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Creation Comments
Showing all Comments posted on creation pages.
Etaew on
| Creation
6 years ago
When a comment is posted?
Etaew on
| Creation
6 years ago
Here is another.
Etaew on
| Creation
6 years ago
Test comment butt
Etaew on
| Creation
6 years ago
Test Decoration status has been set back from Needs Review to Active.
Etaew on
| Creation
6 years ago
Test Decoration status has been set to Needs Review.
Etaew on
| Creation
6 years ago
Your creation candoria test lair status has been set back from Needs Review to Active.
Ylva on
| Creation
6 years ago
seems like a lair, yes.
Ylva on
| Creation
6 years ago
looks good, mod approved :3
Ylva on
| Creation
6 years ago
request for a comment reply? please
Ylva on
| Creation
6 years ago
this bow does not fit within the bow guidelines.
Ylva on | Creation
6 years ago
yet another test comment