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Build Comments
Showing all Comments posted on build pages.
Turtle on
Proficient Boomer
8 years ago
Never seen that ally or flask before but ill check it out thanks
Mudkillztoo on
8 years ago
I've been looking for a class to farm with, and this has to be it!
Psylus on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
8 years ago
It's achieved through gems so that you can squeeze in some jump and a bunch of movement speed on your actual gear.
Zero_Potential02 on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
8 years ago
I don't see the Critical Hit
GorillaKilla on
Builder and Miner
8 years ago
Im kinda nooby n stuff, never played boomeranger but why attackspeed for mining n stuff?
Builder and Miner
8 years ago
This comment has been removed
PaulFireStalker on
Damage maker
8 years ago
PaulFireStalker on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
8 years ago
Rulliby on
Kukui's Dino Tamer Build
8 years ago
this build is impossible XD (dino tamer has only the dino time Class gem the other one is fake xD)
Goddamnz on
Pure Dps
8 years ago
neon ninja don't need much ER because the only skill that neon use is right-click skill (after you got class gem), and right-click skill just use a little bit of energy.
ATP Kid on
Tank with good AOE damage (End game build)
8 years ago
What stats should the gems have
Inflexion on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
8 years ago
Why not Explosive Epilogue instead of Volatile Velocity ?
MoonKnight98 on
full tank
8 years ago
Energy regen on Revenant?
Elysian Jug is useless
MoonKnight98 on
Neverending Powerhouse
8 years ago
Agreed, the class gem on a dps build don't work well too
TheGreatPestilence on
8 years ago
Took the advice of using an ally with 2.2% health steal on damaging an enemy, and it's so much better than using fiery flamedancer, i dont even see my health drop now, great build!
BFantana23 on
Tank with good AOE damage (End game build)
8 years ago
what is you magic damage at? i see only 1 stat with it, in the gems i take it!?
Illustra on
Neverending Powerhouse
8 years ago
Swap CD and AS (so it applies better to earlier CBs who wont benefit from the CD as much, and might not have much in the gem dept)
Player214 on
Knight is bad, but if you really need to know a good build...
8 years ago
No idea which game you play but Knight is by no means bad .
It does normal dmg hasnt a terrible ult and has a good class gem. You dont even need any health for it since the class gem just stuns everything.
As a tank support / crowd controll class every ST group would invite you
REDaniwn on full dano
8 years ago
aah cachorro