Ladybug Wings

Showing pages that match the terms collections/wings/ladybug, Ladybug Wings.
Hey there, Trovians!Check out Luxion’s latest loot! Explore the worlds with the Mountain Magpie🐦, make some noise with the Rebounding Ringer 🔔, and meet Sprinkles, the cutest ice cream lover🍦. Don’t forget the stylish Ladybug Wing...
For the first time on consoles you’re thrust into a world of pain and torment as brutal ladybugs have invaded the idyllic peace of Trove’s sweeping vistas. You thought they were so adorable, but that’s what they wanted you to think. The...
June 14, 2017 Blog
This week on PC and Consoles defeat the Ladybug invasions to have a chance to collect the unique [style=Ladylike Bugbute] hat, [style=Shadow Bugbute] hat and [collection=Ladybug Wings]....
June 13, 2017 Event
We've run a database update and these are the results....
October 4, 2016 Database Update
Autumn has fallen upon the Trovian landscape. With the turning of the season we uncover three new costume packs to take your style to another level! The Garden Variety Look is perfect for showing off your keen fashion sense and love of the natural world....
September 27, 2016 Blog
You thought they were so adorable, but that’s what they wanted you to think. They’ve played us all for fools and now they are back with a vengeance! Ladybug invasions will rain chaos down upon the Trovian landscape and will not stop until th...
July 26, 2016 Blog
This is our first attempt to generate a change log since the new file structure was implemented, the following changes have been detected in the client files for Preparing For Launch Edition....
June 30, 2015 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database with the client files in the Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition....
June 16, 2015 Database Update