Invasion of the Ladybugs!
For the first time on consoles you’re thrust into a world of pain and torment as brutal ladybugs have invaded the idyllic peace of Trove’s sweeping vistas. You thought they were so adorable, but that’s what they wanted you to think. They’ve played us all for fools and now they are back with a vengeance!
Ladybug invasions will rain chaos down upon the Trovian landscape in Adept adventure worlds and above. Defeat these frenzied fiends and have a chance to collect the Lady Bugbute or Shadow Bugbute helms.
You’ll even have a chance to pick up the greatest prize of all: friendship. Oh, and also this pair of gorgeous Ladybug Wings!
Team up to tackle the tyrannical ladybug menace! The ladybugs depart at 4AM PDT (11AM GMT) on June 20th so be sure to take them on while you can!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2017/06/14/invasion-of-the-ladybugs/