Skulking Skitterling

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/spider_hellbug, Skulking Skitterling.
What crawls on six legs, has one mouth, and is ready to try and eat you? Why, a heckbug of course! Heckbugs in Love These buggy baddies full of Defiance are out in force, and it’s up to you to stop them. You can’t do it alone,...
February 11, 2020 Blog
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You will find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible from August 16 until August 19. He will vanish at 4AM PDT (11AM UTC) on August 19,...
August 16, 2019 Blog
These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
A full list of custom emojis made by the Trovesaurus community Discord. Check out the emojis available and recommend some emojis that you think should be created....
November 15, 2016
Russian translation of 13.09.2016's Trove Update. Перевод обновления за 13.09.2016....
September 13, 2016 Patch Rus Translation Update
Jurassic JungleThe Jurassic Jungle biome is now live! It has new decoration recipes, styles, and enemies! It will start showing up randomly in Prime adventure worlds. Have fun! Includes a Dino Egg Temple lair from stedms! The Dino Tamer is now av...
September 13, 2016 Patch
Based on the command list from Trove Wiki; Updated by me, All commands go in the chat box obviously. This guide uses the keybinds found in the PC and MAC versions only. [ESC -> Settings]...
-- DEFIANCE HAS SHUT DOWN AND THIS PROMOTION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE -- The Skulking Skitterling is a mount that is unlocked in a cross-promotion with another game that Trion develops, Defiance. Complete several activities in Defiance to unlock the moun...
July 11, 2016
The Skulking Skitterling is a mount that is unlocked in a cross promotion with another game that Trion develops, Defiance. Complete several activities in Defiance to unlock the mount automatically on Trove. Source:
July 11, 2016