Larry Candylion
Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/griffon_candoria, Larry Candylion.
No more goalkeeping these awesome events! Take the trophy home this November by participating in our Go(a)lden Events! As you participate, you will collect Go(a)lden Tickets! These Go(a)lden tickets will help get you one step closer to the big hardwa...
November 15, 2022 Blog
Thank you to everyone who took part in our [Larry Candylion] challenge for [_FutureHero_], here are the results....
May 10, 2022 Art Contest Results
For the next two weeks [_FutureHero_] is challenging our artist community to draw the [Larry Candylion] mount for a chance to receive a code to unlock one....
April 21, 2022 Art Contest
The Crack the Court patch has arrived, along with this an update to the game client. With this update, the Trove team have indicated the following mods were accepted. We've extracted the following information from the client about future Chaos Chest rota...
March 24, 2021 Mods