Inora, Flame of Enlightenment

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/dragon_goldblue, Inora.
We’re adding bonus Golden Ticket Chests to the 8,500 and 18,500 Credit Packs! These special lockboxes may contain a variety of loot including Gem Boosters, Dragon Coins, or Chaos Cores. Source:
December 12, 2017 Blog
Are you ready for the return of the Dragon Hoard Pack? This massive bundle includes: Inora, Flame of Enlightenment – A full legendary dragon of tremendous grace and unwavering power. Unlocking this mythical beast will grant all your classes a series o...
December 12, 2017 Blog
These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
These are the strings from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
[user=Ainogommon] has forgotten how to colour, help them out and earn codes! Choose from [collection=Cyberian Survivor], [collection=BL-0550-M Off-Road Custom], [collection=Jet Jammer], [collection=Macedoine Master], [collection=Star Skipper], [collection...
November 14, 2017 Art Contest Giveaway
Trove is heating up the summer with the Sunfest Daily Login Bonus Celebration! Just login to pick up Golden Ticket Chests for a chance at a huge mountain of mounts or a scorching hot stack of dragons! The Golden Ticket Chests will show up in the Claims ...
July 10, 2017 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Megalithic Update, and list the changes we have detected in the client....
June 27, 2017 Database Update
L’attente touche presque à sa fin : la mise à jour Mégalithique déboule sur consoles le 27 juin 2017 ! Jouez la classe Dompteur de dino, explorez la Jungle jurassique, prenez part à des minijeux et bien plus encore ! Le Dompteur de dino et l...
June 23, 2017 Blog
Das Warten hat schon fast ein Ende: das Megalith-Update wird ab dem 27. Juni 2017 verfügbar sein! Spiele als Dinobändiger, erkunde den Dinodschungel, meistere Minispiele und vieles andere mehr! Dinobändiger & Dinodschungel Hast du Lust, mehr ü...
June 23, 2017 Blog
The wait is almost over – the Megalithic Update hits consoles on June 27, 2017! This massive update introduces the Dino Tamer class, Jurassic Jungle biome, Minigames, seasonal events and more prehistoric-themed goodies. Dino Tamer and Jurassic Jungle...
June 23, 2017 Blog
The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more. Source: ...
June 23, 2017 Patch
The wait is almost over – the Megalithic Update hits consoles on June 27, 2017! This massive update introduces the Dino Tamer class, Jurassic Jungle biome, Minigames, seasonal events and more prehistoric-themed goodies. Source: http://ww...
June 22, 2017 Blog
L’attente touche presque à sa fin : la mise à jour Mégalithique déboule sur consoles le 27 juin 2017 ! Jouez la classe Dompteur de dino, explorez la Jungle jurassique, prenez part à des minijeux et bien plus encore ! Le Dompteur de dino et l...
June 21, 2017 Blog
We've updated our database to the latest client version. Detected this time was item database changes, this could be because we failed to import them properly in a previous version....
May 23, 2017 Database Update
During the livestream today Rick "Din Othar" White, the new Producer on Trove announced that the Megalithic Update has now been submitted to Sony and Microsoft for certification. Certification is where the console makers approve builds of games, and will ...
May 19, 2017
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest client, beware, spoilers are here....
October 28, 2016 Database Update
The word “dragon” comes from an ancient Greek term “draconta,” which meant “to watch.” Since the first stories of dragons were told they have been watchful guardians over the world’s greatest treasures. The Dragon Hoard Pack is amon...
October 25, 2016 Blog
Loot Collector The revamped loot collector UI is now live! It now represents all your loot collectable items at once in an easy to parse list view and has the following additional new features: Lock items to prevent them from being easily loot ...
October 20, 2016 Patch