Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/dragon_deepsea, Thallasion.
The invites have been sent out, now it’s time to find a special location for this occasion! For this we chose a lair with a lot of flair! Live a life of danger and deal with this dragon in order to get down and party! Grab some friends and go ...
October 8, 2020 Blog
Follow series of clues and solve riddles to unlock [Dazzling Dracolyte] costume! Introduced together with the Splendid Summer event (June 2020), this sequence of riddles will remain functional after the end of the event too....
June 10, 2020 Splendid Summer 2020
The latest Trove hotfix has arrived, and brings around some large changes to Leviathans and Heads as well as some changes to resolve some problems with Adventure Heroes. Trovesaurus Summary Like Shadow Towers, Leviathans spawn openable vaults when def...
January 22, 2020 Patch
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the collections from the Crystal Combat update. Here are the changes we have detected:...
December 18, 2018 Database Update Collections
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the PTS client Crystal Combat Update....
New collections detected on the PTS build....
November 30, 2018 PTS Collections
New and changed strings detected in the PTS client....
We've updated the Items and Deco database to the Trove - Heroes update. Sorry for the delay in publishing this, we filtered out a large number of minor text edits that didn't need to be shown....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Items
Creating new stuff for Trove is one of the very cool things that make Trove that awesome. To highlight creations these are all new acceptances at the TroveCreations subReddit from last December. Moderation on TroveCreations is done by [user=2556] and...
January 1, 2018 Trove Creations Digest
We’re adding bonus Golden Ticket Chests to the 8,500 and 18,500 Credit Packs! These special lockboxes may contain a variety of loot including Gem Boosters, Dragon Coins, or Chaos Cores. Source:
December 12, 2017 Blog
These are the items and deco from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length. Thanks to [user=Evilagician] for help in creating the icons for fixtures....
November 14, 2017
The huge Trove - Adventures update includes Clubs 2.0, Club Adventures, Hero NPCs, Club Fixtures, Club Ranks and Permissions, Adventures Window, Frameworks, Forbidden Spires Biome, Tethering, Mastery, Leaderboards, Trophies, Badges and Achievements, Store...
November 10, 2017 Patch
PTS has been updated with the Trove - Adventures expansion including the following major changes; Character Copy to PTS, Clubs 2.0, Club Adventures, Hero NPCs, Club Fixtures, Club Ranks and Permissions, Adventures Window, Frameworks, Tethering, Mastery, L...
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
Trove is heating up the summer with the Sunfest Daily Login Bonus Celebration! Just login to pick up Golden Ticket Chests for a chance at a huge mountain of mounts or a scorching hot stack of dragons! The Golden Ticket Chests will show up in the Claims ...
July 10, 2017 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Megalithic Update, and list the changes we have detected in the client....
June 27, 2017 Database Update
The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more. Source: ...
June 23, 2017 Patch
New to the game? No idea what's going on? Returning player? This guide will cover most of the things you need to know about Trove !...
June 20, 2017 Basics Class Guide Dragons Gear Marketplace Shadow Tower
We've updated our database to the latest client version. Detected this time was item database changes, this could be because we failed to import them properly in a previous version....
May 23, 2017 Database Update
During the livestream today Rick "Din Othar" White, the new Producer on Trove announced that the Megalithic Update has now been submitted to Sony and Microsoft for certification. Certification is where the console makers approve builds of games, and will ...
May 19, 2017
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water – Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents invades the Drowned World and he’s not just practicing the backstroke. Take down this wet and wild world boss to earn your very own Thallasion legendar...
November 20, 2016 Blog
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water – Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents invades the Drowned World and he’s not just practicing the backstroke. Take down this wet and wild world boss to earn your very own Thallasion legendar...
November 9, 2016 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Join the Party Edition....
November 8, 2016 Database Update
Join the Party! The party is here! New piñata invaders drop party coins and a new pinata. These pinatas drop more coins and a new mount! Spend coins in the hub to earn a new mount. The party will return in the future with even more mounts to b...
November 7, 2016 Patch