Bouncy Ladybug

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/ball_ladybug, Bouncy Ladybug.
Hey Trovians!Luxion’s here with another round of awesome items! 🌟Feel the chill of Snowfest with the Snowfest Log – it brings a slice of winter to any season! ❄️! Rev up your engines with the Power Plower, which is perfect for plowi...
Our great and majestic Luxion is back in the Hub and he brings us tons of wonderful items!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from March 18, and he will magically disappear on March 21 at 11:00 am UTC. Here are some pictures of...
Luxion of the Golden Hoard returns to the Hub to offer you good deals for your precious Dragon Coins! As usual, he will be waiting for you near the Dragon Crucible from June 28 and will magically disappear on July 1 at 4 AM PDT (11 AM UTC). So, grab ...
June 28, 2019 Blog
These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
We've run a database update and these are the results....
October 4, 2016 Database Update
Autumn has fallen upon the Trovian landscape. With the turning of the season we uncover three new costume packs to take your style to another level! The Garden Variety Look is perfect for showing off your keen fashion sense and love of the natural world....
September 27, 2016 Blog
The Blitz and Glitz edition brings the new UI style to several more elements in addition to several new costumes on the store and various fixes and enhancements....
April 21, 2015 Patch
The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Chaos Factor Edition client files and the following changes have been made....
March 24, 2015 Database Update