Chaotic Cruiser
Showing pages that match the terms collections/boat/galleon_chaos, Chaotic Cruiser.
We've tweaked our collections importer due to a report of missing tomes, we've found them, also found some additional changes. Maintaining an custom importer is a lot of work and relies on user reports when it comes to incorrect information. We encourage...
December 5, 2018 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Snowfest & Get Crafty! patch....
December 20, 2016 Database Update
For the next week, we're hosting a riddle contest for Sylvan who has provided us with the riddles and rewards. Can you guess all 3 correctly and enter them into for a chance at one of these prizes?...
October 4, 2016 Giveaway
Patch notes have been posted for the next Trove patch due to arrive Tuesday, June 16 2015. This patch introduces dragons, challenges, badges and uber 6. Source:
June 15, 2015 Patch
The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Chaos Factor Edition client files and the following changes have been made....
March 24, 2015 Database Update