
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Land Scaper 8000-T Giveaway giveaway

HAHA 68 giveaways in, not a single win still, at least im close to be featured on the unlucky page, Goodluck everyone!

Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway (November) giveaway

50+ giveaways in, not a single win

Anyways Gl all, hope this changes^

Commented on: Aino's Cakeday Giveaway giveaway

i feel you

Commented on: Albairn Giveaway giveaway

0.00069% chance of winning it, Goodluck all!

Commented on: Albairn Giveaway giveaway

Rip 0.001% chance of getting it as of right now, only to be lower when more people join.

The chances are slim goodluck to all

Commented on: Chimeric Cubist Giveaway giveaway

Unlucky even though i came early :/

Commented on: St. Qubeslick's Day page

Can we just do any quest at any time or do we need an order or something?

Cause i died and didn't get anything

Commented on: Sageosaurus Claim

What if we applied the code before linking the accounts cuz we're idiots who don't read and go crazy for free things, will we get the mount after linking or will we not be able to redeem the mount?