Aino's Cakeday Giveaway

To celebrate the cakeday of our friend Ainogommon we are giving away. 1x [collection=Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride], 25x [collection=Maelstrom Monitor] and 25x [collection=Radiant Skyshark].

Starts - August 27, 2017, 12:00 am UTC (8 years ago)
Ends - August 30, 2017, 12:00 am UTC (8 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 51


51x Aino Gifts

51 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward

  • 25x Mount Maelstrom Monitor
  • 25x Radiant Skyshark Mounts (Store)
  • 1x Dragon Wyntegra Galenors Pride

2,413 Signups

2.11% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 210

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Thanks alot trovesaurus team

I WON THE SKYSHARK ON MY BIRTHDAY  - thx so much this is a awsom birthday present now!


I was origionally planning to buy the new pack for this mount as a birthday presentand i logged onto trove after my birthday party was over to play online for a bit - and i found i wong a radiant skyshark! I know it may not seem as if its a big deal to most people but i am just so happy that i actually won something - and it was actually on my birthday. Talk about birthday luck!


Congrats to anyone that won and good luck to anyone who didnt win in their next givaway!

Thanks for the giveaway! ;)

If I win, will he give me the code?

im glad a pc player got it, most of the console people who comment are always so salty and madbro.



PS. for all the console players out there, PC has mijority population, hence the way more people winning, it does not favor to make pc people win more, its just that your versions of the game have far less players in comparessen, its just how it works when more population is on one thing rather than the other, isnt math fun?

[Deleted User]

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:D someone understands ;D

Thank you for the awesome mount! :)

I'm never going to win a single thing


i feel you

i feel you too :(

Same, I have the worst luck ;-; gl in the rest you enter 

I won yay.

[Deleted User]

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Uhm why tf is it pretty much just PC kids winning everything..... Looks like some major bs to me...

have u heard of "pc majority" . . .

welp, gg all that won :D

I never wonder a giveaway ._.

when is this giveaway

20 secs


i have same icon


1 more min!

2 more mins

*Everyones hyped**base drops* hold on wait another 7 minutes


[Deleted User]

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good luck  

Gl everyone!

Ty, and good luck :D

plz am n0ob

welp 5 more mins, 1 more gl :D

the overhype ;D

Pls RNGesus 

We mostly want the drag cause the frag drop rates r. . . . .

7 more mins to draw!



10/10 reply

where is the winners?


not here xD


where will it be chosen?



soooo... wut to do for now . . . ;D


GL. 2% chance. :)

Good luck everybody!


Good luck everyone and Happy Cakeday to Aino!

ojala ;)


I have never won a give away before. This would be cool.  XD

  • Mong  là ngươi chiến thắng

Good luck everybody (and also me XD)

2hours to go,Good Luncky Guys

  1. Good luck!

I can't wait to see who wins. Hope one of the winners is me.


good luck all,good luck me e-e

I love the new mounts and thanks for the giveaway. Good luck to all people!


i dont have a dragon yet, this would be very helpful

Good luck guys :D

Good luck yall

Good luck all

When you grind 40k inf ore, 24k sunlight bulbs and on, where your screaming Fml i have negative 9999 luck gl everyone


 That moment that you grinded 40,000 glacial shards and dont even get a single Ice Dragon Fragment. I really think I deserve Wyntegra,

please give me win!!!!
i want this

hey yall

Wow, thanks 



Good luck to you all :D

 good luck for everyone ^^

gl ^^

Boa Sorte á todos xD


GL everyone 

hope i win the dragon

thank you best monture my no pack

great lack hev fan

GL All!

thank you!

GL everyone.



I hope ill get Radiant Skyshark


Please Trove gods! Let me win!

Good Luck!

gl everyone

GL to everyone

hope you win


thx you too


Gl to everyone!!! So excited !

Gl hope I win

Gl for the. Radiant ss

GL, i know for a fact i wont get it :C

GL People

Gl everyone

Gl all :3

Good luck to all, giveaways like this rarely occur ^_^

I wanna win inever win anything

 i wana win q-q

Gl :D

Good Luck..... 

GL ;)

good luck i have 4% of win soo lets see if i can win :D



Happy Cakeday(Birthday?) Aino! ( Even though I don't know you :( )
And good luck to everybody ^^

Good luck everyone! :v

GOOD LUCK  guys  

Good Luck to all :)

Good luck guys

i never win '-' 

Good luck everyone! :) 

Good luck guys!

Good luck all of you :)

happy cake day =)

Nice lol

Good luck people!! :p

Good luck people!! :p

Good luck guys :D


GL everyone

Good luck everyone 

GL, Bois'n Gyals

GL Everyone!

Hi, Im handsome ;)

good luck! :)

Good luck all

Good luck everybody and good game ! :)

gl to everyone and gg to the people who

Good luck everyone !

Gl everyone

gl guys!

Good luck everyone

Gg to whomever won

Good luck to everyone!

Any of these would make me happy, gl to everyone! Also, happy Cakeday Aino!

still hoping. GL

choose me joker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and GL guys

hope i win for a change :) good luck all!

goodluck! :)



gl anyone


goodluck guys :)

GL guys

GL guys!:)

Happy cake day Aino

good luck

Oh jeje GL everyone!

good luck

good luck

I win this with a 1% chance

Wow What a Huge Giveaway Goodluck to everyone!

 Wow.. everyone GL!


good luck everyone

This is awesome hope I can win and good luck to everyone else

Gl Guys :p

Wow GL !!!

Omg GL

I have entered alot of these giveaways even with outher acounts and i have never won anything i swear i think that there only giving it to the gold members but i do hope i win btw GL to all of u non gold members like me hope at least one of u win

So you just admitted to using other accounts to boost your chance of winning?

This is why you don't win . Read the rules.

I hope I win!

GL everyone!

I hope I at least win I have been in so many of these and never wonn >.< but gl everyone!! :3 

[Deleted User]

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If I don't win this contest I will drown myself in tubs of ice cream.

Wow that got pretty cold

It's a EPIC giveway!

I hope I win

i wana win q-q