Land Scaper 8000-T Giveaway

Thanks to Dusty_Mustard we are giving away 20x [collection=Land Scaper 8000-T] mounts. This mount can clear blocks.
The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 20
20x Land Scaper 8000-T
20 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward
1,851 Signups
1.08% chance to receive 1 reward
rrrse - Land Scaper 8000-T
Vesp - Land Scaper 8000-T
ZoraSyko - Land Scaper 8000-T
See - Land Scaper 8000-T
Elsicario140 - Land Scaper 8000-T
LegendaryCorn - Land Scaper 8000-T
xSnap - Land Scaper 8000-T
Aynat - Land Scaper 8000-T
Creacel - Land Scaper 8000-T
TheBaconGod - Land Scaper 8000-T
Ninguem94 - Land Scaper 8000-T
HellZKnight - Land Scaper 8000-T
nexusnuva - Land Scaper 8000-T
revjim - Land Scaper 8000-T
DirtyMosher123 - Land Scaper 8000-T
j4heri - Land Scaper 8000-T
BKamorC - Land Scaper 8000-T
Snow75 - Land Scaper 8000-T
Wetis - Land Scaper 8000-T
whoops - Land Scaper 8000-T

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HAHA 68 giveaways in, not a single win still, at least im close to be featured on the unlucky page, Goodluck everyone!
I wish to win too I would love to use this this to get a flatening job in Trove to get flux. Hope the best for everyone and Good Luck !
Having to mine 14,796 blocks in my club just to start building is a right pain, my god would this make life so much easier <3
man i hope i win this. been clearing the land for my club alone. takes a very long time. well good luck everyone!
Signups 1,563
1,563 people have signed up to receive 1 of 20 rewards.
Good luck to everyone! Hope some lucky people win.. but secretly I want it xD, but seriously, good luck :)
First of all thanks for the givaway, and I kinda want this bc my friends have really cool mounts and all I have is a fledgling dragon so gg to the winners!
How does one giveaway stuff on this website? I'd like to help the community if possible