I Twerk 4 Coins
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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Sweet Sally giveaway
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/build=70/invincible-tr-while-building-dps
You have a spelling error in the description of the chronomancer qubesly “redcues”.
Commented on: Rolling Salvo giveaway
Commented on: Mobile Support Weekend page
Honestly, I’m on iPhone, the webpages translate very well. I would much rather an actual official app for trove if possible, on both android and apple. But it’s really nice to navigate the webpages. I believe that there’s not a lot that needs to be helped with the website.
Commented on: Evil's Totally Evil Space Sage giveaway
Commented on: Trove Team Letter page
Happy that we are still going to get everything and more to come. Just a bit upset that I have to wait a little longer on Xbox to get it...
Commented on: Trion Worlds transitioning to Gamigo group page
I’m so sad that junebug is leaving. She put so much work into the upcoming farming update. I hope all planned updates go through as planned.
Commented on: Gems! How do they work?! page
Will this guide be updated with current or future information. (Like the upcoming U10 with crystal gems)
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/geode/patch
Awesome, rocket boots! Is there a way to turn them off? They are messing me up while I’m falling. They’re cool and all but is there an option to? If not, can there be?
Commented on: Dino Attack page
But with the patron you get 4 chaos chests per day. Use one in the afternoon and get 4 in the afternoon when you use it and 4 in the morning after you use it. Or save them for double chaos factor weeks and get 16 chests per pass.
Commented on: Albairn Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Albairn Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Albairn Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: How to make flux, for begginers page
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/tip=235