We’re sorry it’s taken a while to get word out to the community. It was very important to us that any information we shared was completely locked in because we recognize the very valid concerns players will have when a situation like this arises.
The folks at gamigo are working very hard to make sure our team has the resources we need to move forward with ongoing development. This whole process has moved very quickly but there is still more work to do. Geode phase 2 is being finalized and we hope to have info on when that will release and what it will contain in the near future. We wanted to specifically call out that Uber 10 and the new surface biome on Geode are core components of the update.
Adjusting to a smaller dev team will give us the opportunity to create a more agile development structure. By moving away from massive, monolithic plans for each major update we can empower our designers and engineers to team up on features that excite them and then bring those features to the game more quickly.
A key part of this agile development structure will be to decouple the PC and console versions of Trove. We have the ability to quickly roll out features and fixes on the PC then put these updates together for the consoles separately. Console players will still receive all the PC content it’ll just be on different timelines.
We know you’re all anxious to hear more specifics about future content. Our immediate focus is to deliver Geode Phase 2 this year and will have more info to share on future updates after we’ve rolled out this important update.
Thanks for reading,
-The Trove Team

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Happy that we are still going to get everything and more to come. Just a bit upset that I have to wait a little longer on Xbox to get it...