
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page

Believe it or not my favourite part of trove is flipping and making flux .. I know most people find it boring but I just love it when it pays off and you your flux increase and then you can spend it on something you really want this give me the best feeling like I've actually achieved something

Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page

There already is a tips page?

Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page

 Personally for ease of use the bar at the top needs a home button and I think players should have badges next to their name to show their contribution to the site and it would also let new people know who they can trust

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

This is a sweet dragon sure gonna rock this mod

Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway (March Part 2) giveaway

lol gone down to a 0.05456% chance

Commented on:

wow actually didnt know this

Commented on: Sketch of Quinnce art

I appreciate it and yeah you can but please don't post it until after the quinnce competition is finished thanks!!

Commented on: Community Draws Quinnce page

Fair enough I just can't wait to see if I've won my first competition because I'm really proud of my art

Commented on: Community Draws Quinnce page

When are the results being picked??

Commented on: G.R.Y.P.H. 3000 Giveaway giveaway

I missed the event and so I need it sooo bad