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Commented on: PTS Patch Notes - Trove Adventures - October 19, 2017 page
far as i see chaos coins are going to be a pay to win thing and are going to become extremly extremly rare from only (GOLDEN and light and dark chaos chests) since they ar ethe only ones that give (past) rewards from chaos chests.
Commented on: PTS Patch Notes - Trove Adventures - October 19, 2017 page
they need to make the tethering effect a group kind of thing were u can have up to 10 players in a group and you do not have to be in the same world to collect the loot a group member gets that way lets say its a dragon challenge were u have to complete dungeons this will enable 10 people to go to diff worlds and collect the points from dungeons while sharing the points they collect with there group members and also while in a group it combines 25% of all group members magic find and like above the leaders name there is a bar that says total groups magic find then this will also allow stellars to be a little easyer to find and allow high lvl people to help lower lvls lvl up faster and get key fragments faster and one mor ething this is also a way to get flux moving in the game insted of it mostly being stagnet were its extremly hard and takes for ever just to get a good amount of flux.
But this tethering were u have to be within 10 - 20 block of the leader and u dont get rewards unless u hit the boss is BS because high lvls like to raid low lvl worlds to get fast loot and other items and they can clear dungeons in less then a few seconds so this needs to change the only way tethering would be good is if it was applyed like my description.
If you think that my suggestion is a good idea reply with a grimlin face below. (grimlen face)>
Commented on: Radiant Skyshark Art Challenge page
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/dailybonus=1/harvesting
Commented on: Serene Skyshark collection
Commented on: Sir Speedy collection
Commented on: Corrosion Cloak Giveaway giveaway
you dont (NEED IT) it is something you want plus you can't use it unless u have a stellar weapon
Commented on: Corrosion Cloak Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Corrosion Cloak Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Radiant Skyshark Art Challenge page
Tip for entering this contest: look at the acctual mount at google images then think of a way that u could get all the details then make your (own) pic. of the mount and color. also coloing it is not a must so good luck to all enties and have a good spookfest in trove :}
Commented on: Corrosion Cloak Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Neon Ray collection
Commented on: Maelstrom Monitor Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Test Tome collection
what does this tome do after all im sure that trovesaurus has data mined trove -_-
Commented on: Cobalt Carp Giveaway event
o-o my alt got this on its 3rd chaos chest it opend its immune to lava and alot of other toxic and deadly waters and ocean's O_O need this