Thanks to Ainogommon we are hosting an art challenge to win [collection=Radiant Skyshark] codes.
- Complete one or both of the following:
- Create some fan art of the Radiant Skyshark and tag with Radiant Skyshark Art
- Colour the Radiant Skyshark line art and tag with Radiant Skyshark Colouring
- Upload your entries to the Trovesaurus Gallery
Please note that due to a limitation, the participation tracker on the calendar will only turn green for art entries.
- Tuesday, October 17, 2017 to Tuesday, October 31, 2017
- Every entry that makes appropriate effort (judged by Aino) will receive a code to unlock the Radiant Skyshark (max 100)
- If you really did a great job, Aino may add a Wyntegra code [Glacial shard dragon]
Line Art

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Tip for entering this contest: look at the acctual mount at google images then think of a way that u could get all the details then make your (own) pic. of the mount and color. also coloing it is not a must so good luck to all enties and have a good spookfest in trove :}
Hey guys 1st good luck to you all :)
I've uploaded my work but I'm keep seeing the red cross like if I'm not in contest did I messed up something?
I hope you guys liked mine! It was kind of hard to do, and still using the main image as my inspiration, it was really hard!
Hello , how do i participe in the contest?.because i already uploaded my art and i do not see It in the contest.
I did my art but i dont know how to enter it into the contest
If you know how tell me please
I'll send a code to participants each day so don't worry if I'm going to send it at end of the promo.
Also for the extra, if you really did a great job on the piece of work. I would tip you a Wyntegra code [Glacial shard dragon]
Ooo, is it possible to get the Wyntegra code if I color the radiant sky shark rlly well?
depended on a piece of work, I tend to look at fan art more than coloring, but yeah I just looking for the one that "impressed" me