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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Hexflame Harrier collection
Commented on: Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls collection
Commented on: Radiant Skyshark Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Radiant Skyshark Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway giveaway
alright x-x but its kind of hard to even get a good chance if theres that many people or more at least put the give aways entry cap at 100 people - 200 people that will raise the chances alot
Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway giveaway
no its jus tthat its true i calculated it ever which way for 1000 people or higher with a 1% chance and the chance is way lower that 1%
Commented on: Sir Speedy collection
Commented on: Tundra Thresher collection
Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway giveaway
if you have a 1% chance drop out now there is a 99.99999999% chance you will not get the reward of this give away but if you stil choose to try anyway good luck to you but 1% chance = -10% if there are 1000 and up
Commented on: Olhukoi, the Moonlit Muse collection
ok place your awnser under this (If i neded 50 of an item and i only get 2 of the item every week how ong would it take to get 50 of the item i needed )(number of weeks / days / months)
Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway (October) giveaway
Commented on: Hotfix - September 26, 2017 page
you could have let the +50 minning i would just boost the amount of the item that u are minning such as ores
Commented on: Tiny Wave Whipper giveaway
the only way anyoen us will have a good chance is if no one else enterd which is not gunna happen
Commented on: Tiny Wave Whipper giveaway
Gl everyone (harbenger of bad news none of the people in this chat right now will have a chance at the ally because 1% = for 1000+ people the 1% is 0%