
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Ice Cavern Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Ice Cavern status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Ice Cavern Dungeon (1 Star) creation


Hmm didn't even think about the world bosses. Man, there's a lot of little things to think about hehe. Totally get the mob spawns too. I'll hopefully get it back up to review later on! (Might try to redo 1_3 to fit but we'll see. Pretty sure I have the height available to extend it)

Commented on: Ice Cavern Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Ice Cavern status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Ice Cavern Dungeon (1 Star) creation


Awesome thanks for the feedback. I'm surprised I never noticed it floating... I usually pick things up like that right away. Also good point about it being earlier and to lower trap count. Never thought of that.


Good catch with the boss spawner in the photo too :p 

I designed this like 5 years ago and remember I  was always confused which one you were supposed to use and then realized after posting this.


I'll get going on some more variations and I'll get back to you. Again, thank you!

Commented on: Ice Cavern Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Ice Cavern status has been set to Needs Review