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#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest
Featured Art Comments:
"I will protect it" - Tauf
"I want to see it grow up healthy" - Meowser
"I want to tell my friends and neighbors about it" - entity
"Wow" - Phantasie
"As Phantasie said "wow"" - Tynaut
"Best buddies is best, I shared with my buddies." - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
"I love the expressions. You always kill it." - Meowser
"Always love anything mau5head!" - Tynaut
"OMG love this style and artwork. So creative and fun!" - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
"So playful and cute <3" - Meowser
"Looking at this like Avalon is looking at that 4 leaf clover. Adorable Avalon artwork!" - Mobi