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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/issues/view/407
Commented on: Trovesaurus Wings mod
Commented on: Astral Echo Timer mod
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/issues/view/289
Commented on: Cr0nicl3's Boss Radar Advanced Clean Version mod
Commented on: Cr0nicl3's Boss Radar Advanced Version mod
Commented on: Better Shadow Hunter Shots mod
Commented on: Personal Wormhole mod
Commented on: Fixed In Place Combat Text mod
Commented on: Cr0nicl3's Boss Radar Advanced Version mod
Commented on: Cr0nicl3's Boss Radar Advanced Version mod
Commented on: Cr0nicl3's Boss Radar Advanced Version mod
Commented on: Better I.C.E Rave Costume's VFX mod
Could I do it? Of course
Am I going to? Depends on the quality of said vfxs once are added, I only did this because they were horrible
Commented on: Bring Old Ringcrafting Bench Back mod
the one you're seeing on the image is the old one, with this paragon update it has been changed. This mod is to revert it
Commented on: Step Tracker mod
"Ever get lost after you Neon Ninja friend leaves a dungeon with a speed build? Ever just get lost!? Well dont worry no more, with this mod, it creates trail following the character for 1 second."
"1 second"
Not for the same purposes, not even close to be identical (the only thing in common is being a static ribbon, which doesn't even behave the same way), and they actually showed me this on Discord after publishing this, before this I had no idea that mod existed, and we got into the conclusion that it was in fact two different things, that's why it is still here published, else I would have taken it down