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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Dracolyte art
I have to say, this Dracolyte art is my favorite by far I've seen, great work !! I hope to see more <3
Commented on: Superior Marketplace mod
You two need to work for Trove they need people like you... I think
Seriously, this should be the best mod created in trove
I love you guys so much <3
(I'll send you some message if I find some bugs)
Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod
Commented on: ExoDave Superior Loot Collector mod
You have taking on another level is too way impresive Exo, Great Work!
Trion needs to hire you xD
Commented on: ExoDave Better Collections mod
Exo, you have making the greatest mods in Trove, i'm so happy with your mods are you making
But i have some bugs here to help you out http://imgur.com/a/zt2KW
1° is the Show all thing right corner is keeping the size of full resolution
2° is a conflict with ExoDave UI Package
I hope i help you with these reports here and great work man xD
(again, i'm bad with english :v)
Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page
i would like to see the updated mods back or did you put in other location? (sorry my bad english i'm still learning)
Commented on: Shadow Tower Themed Loading Screen art
Commented on: ExoDave UI package mod
Oh ok, i understand, i'm more comfortable with default sigils xD Thanks for respond this kind of question :v
Commented on: ExoDave UI package mod
Commented on: ExoDave UI package mod
Hello there's a way that i can remove the sigil? (Sorry if something is wrong here i'am brazilian)
Commented on: Diamond Pro Sigils/Wings mod
Commented on: Snowfest Day Albairn Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: 2nd Anniversary Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Shadairn, Voice of Nightfall (first mod and brazillian mod) mod
Cara, gostei muito da ideia versão "dark" do Albairn espero que venha para o jogo mesmo
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway