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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Ice Sage (Art Challenge) page
Sad to here this is the last art contest :(, they were my favorite contests to draw. I loved them and hopefully I'll be able to draw for this one.
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
I'm not always on this site and I've been inactive for a little while but now I'm back. I love this site! I found it while I was searching up ways to draw art and somehow I found Trovesaurus and I was led into it and interested by the contests, and news, and I already played Trove so I got pretty into this! This site is the only motivation and inspiration I get to draw something, because I am pretty bad at figuring out what to draw so I use this site for learning how to draw and improving my art. In the future I would definitaly like to see more ways users can interact with eachother, like a social media page such as twitter. That could be interesting. Keep up the good work!
Commented on: Pixel Fire Revenant art
Commented on: August Site Update page
Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
Do you believe that the new upcoming class will be as loved by fans like most other loved classes? Do you most fans prefer ranged or melee classes?
Commented on: Dragon Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Class Art #5 - Candy Barbarian page
The style is very nice and soft and makes feel some type of "comfortable feeling", I also really enjoy the recreation of art.
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll
Voted: Dracolyte
I think a Dracolyte would be really cool because I am intered in some of the styles that i've seen people draw for lizard/reptillian creatures.