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Characters that this user has created, this includes names images and what styles they use. This is intended for those who like to share their created characters appearance.
Tomb Raiser
The descendant of Q'bthulhu
Born from the Heir of Q'bthulhu, Pjar had summoned 2 Amperium Overlords to kill GlowDonkia's parents during the Resistor-Amperium War. Once the deed was done, he decided to rule the Realm of Chaos in GlowDonkia, whilst tormenting GlowDonkia with the Curse of Balefire. Once GlowDonkia survived the curse, he chose not to interfere with GlowDonkia or else he'll be banished to suffer without his gift. The ability to create the GlowDonkian Ruins
Sire GlowDonkia, Lord of the Realms "Rules the 2 Realms of GlowDonkia"
He is, no doubt. THE true creator of the 2 realms of GlowDonkia
He is, no doubt. THE true creator of the 2 realms of GlowDonkia
Born in a Resistor Family and raised with Dragons when his parents were killed by the Amperium , this hero would become known for his heroic deeds. He has destroyed 2 Robotic Overlords in Neon City, survived the curse of Balefire, and singlehandedly created 2 realms of both peace and chaos outside of Trove itself. Which has became known as GlowDonkia, a haven of balance created by the Sire to prevent the Shadows and Amperium from destroying the Resistors and the Elysians. He has also befriended a traitor of the Amperium and a fellow Chaos Prince who used to be his Enemy, before he forgave him.