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Sire GlowDonkia, Lord of the Realms "Rules the 2 Realms of GlowDonkia"
He is, no doubt. THE true creator of the 2 realms of GlowDonkia
He is, no doubt. THE true creator of the 2 realms of GlowDonkia
Born in a Resistor Family and raised with Dragons when his parents were killed by the Amperium , this hero would become known for his heroic deeds. He has destroyed 2 Robotic Overlords in Neon City, survived the curse of Balefire, and singlehandedly created 2 realms of both peace and chaos outside of Trove itself. Which has became known as GlowDonkia, a haven of balance created by the Sire to prevent the Shadows and Amperium from destroying the Resistors and the Elysians. He has also befriended a traitor of the Amperium and a fellow Chaos Prince who used to be his Enemy, before he forgave him.