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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Emergency Hotfix. 08/10/18 page
In short, someone found an exploit to duplicate flux. They crafted it into a bunch of megaflux tanks and put them in the community chest. Therefore, people were getting loads of flux for free and just bought all the good stuff off the market (i.e. Ganda). This hotfix essentially made that problem null and void (aside from the damage that has already been done, of course).
Megaflux tanks that still remain in the system have been temp. disabled until the devs can get rid of all the ones that aren't supposed to, well, exist.
The older chaos chests and other chests that could be bought were pretty much bought out. So, to prevent ppl from getting too many free items, they've been disabled.
Ppl involved are getting banned, however some are getting wrongly banned because the system is simply looking for people who had a large gain of flux over that period of time. Those players will (hopefully) be unbanned after.
There's your summary. Sorry for the ramble.
Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page
Commented on: Snowfestivus Quest Chain page
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page
Commented on: August Site Update page
Commented on: Dino Tamer Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Just a suggestion, maybe there should be links to Trovesaurus or some other website which people can get their fill of rather simple info (e.g. use of dragon souls, how to get shadow equipment, etc.). This prevents players from having to do too much research and lets them get on with the game, s well as not making a fool of themselves asking a stupidly simple question in chat, the answer to which can be found via Google.
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
Since it's been mentioned that the devs want up to 24 classes eventually, it's inevitable that higher max Mastery Levels and higher tiers of Rarity in equipment will be included, as well as a potential for a U10 Adventure World. My question is if this new world will be slightly different. Since most adventure worlds are just dungeons and bosses, maybe a higher tier (or even a new world altogether) would have something like random spawn bosses (but a high chance, in exchange for no specified spawn spot). I think it would be an interesting grind.
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Commented on: August Site Goals page
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll