Dino Tamer Giveaway

For the next few days we are giving away some of the new Dino Tamer classes. Thanks to Trion and SkyTheVirus for contributing towards this. This giveaway is a raffle, sign up to it, and wait for the draw.

Starts - August 31, 2016, 5:00 pm UTC (9 years ago)
Ends - September 3, 2016, 3:00 pm UTC (9 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 20


20x Dino Tamer Class

20 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


727 Signups

2.75% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 98

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good luck to all :)


gratz winners

Congrats winners

It was a prank bro :D no really i want one dino tamer :(

Can't see results :V feelsbadman


Yeah :(

"This giveaway has finished and 0 rewards have been distributed." wut happened? D:

It's almost like this is a manual process and I need to get around to doing it :)

i hope i win^^ never won a giveaway xD


I hope I win. I never win anything.....


I can win

gl to all

good luck all while you are waiting the last few hours :D


good luck at all :D

Good Luck Everyone... Still Thought I wont be able to Win it xD

What do u know about getting teased it also happens to me IN real life 

(BY GIRLS and boys)

Please troves aurum I need the class every makes fun of me in the game that's why at least if I get the Dino tamer class they will be like

Dont lie you can get it if you work hard on it Nothing is impossible -Shia Labeouf-

                                      JUST WORK HARD TO GET THAT CLASSS

GL. aand i hope i'm one of those 20 :3

i hope i win

gl all you guys

im so excited!


[Deleted User]


May the luckiest one win! 

I hope I Win :D Good Luck For Me xD

Good LUCK BOIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope i win iv never tried one of these giveaways before

Goodluck to everyone :D


Good luck all!

Gl all, RNG FTW

good luck guys =)

gl every1 :D

gl,and wish everybody win in this its cool if i win :c good luck 


GL everybody ♥



bonne chance =)

good luck

gl  anyone and im a derp



Good Luck Everyone :D



Good luck guys this is my first try at a giveaway! :D


I hope I win, but honestly I mostly want the class gem keys. And the class has an awesome dance.

good luck bois

I sure hope I win :P

Either way, gl to the rest.

good luck guys

need it maybe it is a good class



Oh This dino tamer is a new class I hope somebody who are so lycky so he/she win(: but it should be better if all won (:



hope i win xD gl everyone :D


I'll be sad if i dont win any...

Ps: I never won anything yet...




Everyone... hoping for the best!

Good luck to everyone i hope some good players get Dino tamer

and me too :P


i hope i get one 

IGN: JasonChou

good luck to everyone!

Well, GL to me, i never won XD, so i hope win this one :D.

Good luck!

ING: xXxSpectralxXx

I just want to say that not everyone is going to get it so, I would everyone to be happy

please... my ign : ONE_PUNCH

My IGN is Nervash24, haha just followed what other people did hehe :))


Good luck my name in game : Haidena21

I love dinosaurs


Good Luck guys and more good luck for me :D

Goodluck to all of you~! XD

-sigh- Let's hope I win so I don't have to buy the jurrasic pack :)

Good Luck All !!!

Good luck to everyone! Do the Dino Dance for better luck <3

glllllll :DDD


gl everyone

common rng dont let me down

If i somehow get lucky and win this giveaway i will spend 30 dollar on trove :D and unlock neon ninja and buy emblems.

gg mudders

gg mudders 



GL all hope u all get a chance to win

I really want this new class ! tested in PTS ... and enjoying it , I hope I win = ) Although a lot of people participating in this draw ... <3 Dino Tamer and Shadow Hunter

Really want this epic new class.

SubSCrube To mE YouTUb ChanNel [idubbbztv]


i liek potatos

Hi, nice class, nice dino, nice trove trovesaurus ^^

Hello i really like the new class i think they did a good job its little bit like boomeranger because he gets random dino like boomeranger his ult 


His ult is like dracolyte on steroids like really you mount a fking dino that spit at people :P



that is all from me 

PS: i really want this class 

HI, i think it's a really good class ^^



good luck eveyone :D