
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on:


this is a fantastic guide for new people on geode. ill have to link it to people from now on. thanks for this guide :)

Commented on: Lore Week event

liked this!


if you go 100 entries without winning a giveaway you get 3 reward tokens which you can use for packs/dragons/etc. It's a bonus for people without RNG on their side! :)

Commented on: Lore Week event


Where's the event info! :D

Commented on: Mobile Support Weekend page

liked this!


Hey Etaew did you grant rewards yet? If I didn't get any that's okay, was just wondering :) I'm no good at art so any chance to get rewards for some seasonal packs I'm missing I jump at the opportunity. No rush if you didn't grant yet, just was wondering :D

Commented on: Quest Chain - Subterranean Scramble - February 2019 page


GL on the rare companions bois

Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod


I love this mod so much :D Thanks exodave and thanks for keeping it updated!

Commented on: Geode Surface - Art Month page


Good luck with the art everyone. I am not a good artist but looking forward to seeing new stuff :)

Commented on: I Dream of Devs giveaway

Commented on: Mobile Support Weekend page

liked this!


Thanks for the reply buddy, it actually looks really nice on mobile tbh. I hope you bring in a lot of traffic from console u10 players :)

Commented on: Mobile Support Weekend page


Hey guys I ran through a bunch of random pages and most of it looks very pleasant. Only a couple weird issues I found with the navigation and menu bars.

1.  Going to any article page the top menu separates the Spacesaurus logo from the Trovesaurus logo.

2. Clicking on the Navigation menu puts the upcoming reward contests and notifications on separate lines that don't quite line up from left to right.

3.  If you go to an "About" page for a user, the T is separated on a new line from the rest of the word About.

For reference I'm using a Galaxy S5 (older phone I know, rip) and these displayed while not logged in. If I can give you any more information please inbox me and I'll reply. Thanks!


Commented on: Gem is Truly Outrageous. Truly Truly Truly Outrageous. | The Guide to Perfect Gems page


hello all this guide is old now since crystal combat update. feel free to add me in game "See" is my name and I can help you if you need it. thanks all

Commented on: Cybernetic Faceplate style


how do you get this lol

Commented on: Gem is Truly Outrageous. Truly Truly Truly Outrageous. | The Guide to Perfect Gems page


It will be over 100%. Actually you can even run 1-2 MH in place of CH on your lessers as you will be over 100% even with no CH boosts :)