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Commented on: PTS Updates - February 4, 2022 page
Commented on: PTS Updates - February 2, 2022 page
Commented on: Shadowy Spotlight - PTS Patch Notes page
Keep in mind chickens are non targetable due to the fact they dont have hp bar and are simply timed unlike tr and dr minnions, if booms chickens could take aggro they also would be no longer time based, so the same should apply to tr and dr and make they minnions only die from time expiration, but that could be broken as tr can extend hp/time for his minnions.
Commented on: Shadowy Spotlight - PTS Patch Notes page
Ok i get why a chloromancer would get a nerf being a levi slayer atm. But TR and GS nerf seams taken out of no where. If anythingh TR needs a boost since Goliath and skellitles have trouble pathfinding, and they teleportation range not always covers all situations, one of such situation is the 5* dungeon that has 2 levels and 4 rooms on each level, they dont have a bridge from the main platform so goliath is stuck on the ledge leading to the room with boss/dark lair. i think perhaps the buffing/skellitle summon skill should also be a rally skill that teleports minnions to TR location, i think it makes sense as TR is close range combatant.