
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Steel Sultan Giveaway giveaway

Good luck everyone!! This knight costume is amazing!

Commented on: Jet Jammer Giveaway event

This looks really cool the best gunslinger costume i want this sooo much.

Commented on: Albairn Giveaway giveaway

Good luck everyone, If i win this I am going to go jumop off a cliif and then be happy.

Commented on: Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page

I quite liked the mist as it added more depth to the picture. Looks really great, always imagined the dino tamer to look like that. Also, I think the new Candy Barbarian looked really great compared to the old one! Your Dino tamer art is now one of my favourite pieces u have done, gonna make it one of my wallpapers.

Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page

This interview really reveals a bunch of stuff about Trove and what goes on behind the scenes! 11/10!

Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page

How many dragons and/or classes were you hoping to acheive or build up to? Do you want to have many classes and/or dragons so there is a choice for everyone or are you going to stop making classes/new dragons sometime in the near future? Will popular demand force you to make more classes and/or dragons?

Commented on: Class Art #5 - Candy Barbarian page

The donut on the belt was a great idea, the background looks cool, and overall is probably the best piece of class art done so far. Well done!!! Also i use CB so this is even better.

Commented on: Gold Feedback page

I think that trovesaurus gold is a great way for the people who use the site frequently to be able to get more out of it, and what is a giveaway site without subscription? I think this is a great idea and definitely will improve trovesaurus because of all the donated moonies.

Commented on: August Site Goals page

A suggestion about an improvement of this site would be to intergrate it in someway with Steam, such as the friend list, and also have more artircles on the Discord server. However, teh Sageosaurus bot on the Discord server is amazing, GG.

Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll

Voted: Dracolyte

Maybe it would look cooler in its dragon form?