
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Translation Promotion page

Do i understand it right that you get 1 pack for each unique language so if i do 10 different languages and nobody else takes them i win 10 packs ?

Commented on: Translation Promotion page

I couldnt find Czech in the list

Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page

Looks nice , but where the hell does his giant tail stuck to ? XD


Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll

Voted: Neon Ninja

Commented on: Updated Commands page

If you copy from the trove wiki

remove at least the chatchannels which arent used anymore.


Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page

So many Class guides already . But can you really considere these as guides ?

Because i looked at them and they basicly show you which stats are good and thats it .

I think there is a class build section somewhere on trovesaurus for this XD