
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Skybreaker Spear creation

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove -  Skybreaker !

It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Sundered Uplands.

Commented on: Litigator's Litany Spear creation

Litigator's Litany status has been set to Added

Commented on: Litigator's Litany Spear creation

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove -  Litigator's Litany !

It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Sundered Uplands.

Commented on: Indecisive Indicators Spear creation

Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Added

Commented on: Indecisive Indicators Spear creation

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove -  Indecisive Indicators !

It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Sundered Uplands.

Commented on: Wicked Wax Spear creation

Wicked Wax status has been set to Added

Commented on: Wicked Wax Spear creation

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove -  Wicked Wax !

It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Frontier.

Commented on: Sinister Wicker Claws Fist creation

Sinister Wicker Claws status has been set to Active

Commented on: Sinister Wicker Claws Fist creation


The design is looking fresh and sharp! Cant say i ve seen the shape like this before, but it looks and works great, well done :)

On the mode, there are some voxels of 0.0.0 RGB, which should only ever go as low as 10.10.10, could you please recolor them? (red arrow)

It might also be good to slightly adjust colors of couple more blocks to make the whole pallet on the style a tiny bit more consistent - those 4 grey voxels on top and 2 'dusty' purple voxels closer to the middle (orange arrow) - but i can see these working as is too, together with material maps they create quite an interesting effect in the game.

Hoping to see it back on Review soon!

Commented on: Enviable Crystal Dungeon (1 Star) creation


I see, thanks for explaining that! Sounds like players are going to have multiple ways to approach this dungeon, very well-planned :)

Looking forward to see what you ll make!


Commented on: Spider Bow Bow creation

Spider Bow status has been set to Active

Commented on: Spider Bow Bow creation


While i understand the idea behind the design, the required dimensions and other restrictions exist to ensure that the new creations work well with existing costumes and classes. I am simply not allowed to approve something that intentionally breaks the rules.

If you want to keep the design as is - you could try making a full costume mod to go with it. This way the bow would only need to work with the costume that it comes with. 

But as Creation - it really needs to fulfill on the requirements - 

In Troxel you can use a Lint and Export button to check for any technical issues - chose the type of an opened creation, click the button and it will highlight all errors, if there are any.

Aside from the 5-voxel width, there shouldnt be any voxels straight above and straight below the attachment point (approximately area of the bigger rectangle) - the place where hand holds the bow (smaller rectangle) is where the bow model gets split in half for animations, so if anything is below it, it will look broken.

Also, weaponpreview command places weapon in the both existing weapon slots for Boomeranger (sword and bow), it would work better on Shadow Hunter.

You could also use an override method: put your bow blueprint in the Trove/Live/blueprints/override folder and rename it to match a file name of a bow that exists in game. For example, naming it equipment_weapon_bow_startswap.blueprint would make it so next time you log in game you will see your design replacing the default [Wormwood Bow].


Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now. Please remember to set it back to Needs Review if you upload any changes!

Commented on: Enviable Crystal Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Forgot to mention, every dungeon needs a 'roof' of fake air blocks (Placeholder block in metaforge), it is usually a flat circle a couple of voxels above the highest point of a dungeon - it ensures that the dungeon will not get buried under the ground when it spawns in the world.

Easiest way to add it - make it a separate blueprint connected to the one below it with a plug-socket connection, this way you would not need to place blocks in an existing mound_template and would be able to easily change the height its placed at, if needed.

Commented on: Enviable Crystal Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Enviable Crystal status has been set to Active

Commented on: Enviable Crystal Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Oh wow, a dungeon! Always great to see new dungeons :) Overall the idea and design is great, and the dungeon is looking very stylish, well done!

I have to ask, what is the intended flow of the dungeon? Drop down through level_01_template to boss_template, right? An the red portals offer for an alternative ways to reach the boss? So players who would see the dungeon for a second time would mine straight thorough the crystal and use the portal?

It definitely seems like a fun approach!

I would suggest to somewhat reduce the amounts of jump pads leading up the structure, unless it is intended for this to be the most 'obvious' way for players to take on the dungeon.

Also the upper ring has some extra blocks that seem to be misplaced.


While this dungeon looks great, there need to be at least 2 different room variations per piece before i could Approve it.

Meaning, at the moment there are only 3 blueprints, boss_template (yellow plug), level_01_template (orange plug, yellow socket), and mound_template (red plug, orange socket), and there should be at least 6.

So for example a:
boss_template_01 and boss_template_02
level_01_template and level_02_template
mound_template_01 and mound_template_02 ,

where each of 01 and 02 works with any 01 and 02 from other pieces. This would add a great deal of possible variations that a dungeon can generate with = the end experience for players completing this dungeon will be less repetitive.

For some ideas, Boss room variations could be:

  • existing room with tentacles
  • same room without tentacles + different traps
  • different room w/wo tentacles + different traps
  • a room with a different type of entrance - no drop down, forced portal instead of an opening

level_01_template room variations could be:

  • existing room with 2 dropdowns
  • bigger room with 1 dropdown
  • room with staircase instead of dropdowns
  • room with different entrance - a forced portal here will work just fine too

mound_template room variations could be:

  • existing construction with big shattered crystal
  • smaller/less platforms with bigger crystal
  • shorter crystal + less platforms
  • tentacles instead of crystal, all with different jump puzzles 

The more the merrier ofc, but at least one variation per room is required. Im sure you can come up with something that would offer for a varying gameplay!


Also, only blueprints listed in the .dungeon file are used, all the material maps get included in the blueprint when it is made, so you do not need to upload all the _a, _s and _t. 

The layout.txt file is generated every time anew when you load a dungeon in a metaforge, and it contains a debug information about the dungeon and queries that were ran to spawn it. There is no need to upload it either.


Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, but hoping to see it back on Review with some room variations soon!