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Commented on: Unhandled sitelanguage / 16 sitelanguage
Commented on: Unhandled sitelanguage / 11 sitelanguage
Commented on: Unhandled sitelanguage / 11 sitelanguage
Wiem powinienem ci to napisać po polsku, ale mam nadzieje, iz i tak pomoglem po przez wylapanie tych małych błędów.
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/tools/sitelanguage.php?id=11
You should correct
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Because that three what you put RNG now sounds not right so I give you feedback where you should change/correct.
I ha ve hope chat this Phelps ;o)
Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page
It looks great but for me this Draco still missing his Dark aura what will really make that picture much more characteristic.
Commented on: August Site Update page
I think that will be great IF you guys implement to website scrit what will allow connect this website account Wirth Trove account and thx this we was able to see on each item that is on our collection in game without opening game itself. Ruch a thing will help for many in future website contest's.
Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page
Happy Birthday Etaew,
And he should be pronounced that: Et-a-ew almost sounds like E.T ^-^
Commented on: Market Promotion page
So just to be clear, when I put what is the lowest price of the item in report and then after few days I need uptade that price again for each item what I have reported, right ?
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
For me in this interview lacks info about how many classes they're plan to add to game and how long it gonna take it for them to do it. Rest question's are fine but still I think that with this question could be even more interesting.
Commented on: Images Promotion Results page
Nice one man I see that at the end of the promotion you start uploading next images so GZ for the results ;o)
Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page
How many Dragon's (without counting this what are already in game) they're plans put to Trove and whether it be any Dragon's what will have also Fledgling and Adult Form's or only Legendary version where we will need only egg and Dragon Coins ?
Commented on: Baking Contest 2016 page
But it must be maded that using real food or it can be maded that it could looks like Food in game ?
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Well, after that unexcepted maintance, everything looks fine here on this site and I wish that you guys will stay on that path ;o)