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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Class Art #5 - Candy Barbarian page
Ehh... The art looks great, I would've liked it to be portrayed as a male though. Everything else looks great! I give it a 7/10.
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Gold is a nice idea, but just feels like it's not nescessary. The changes/additions aren't really beneficial to me as they are, so would it be possible that something like for three months consecutive gold you get a Trove Pack? Probably not the best idea though...
Commented on: August Site Goals page
I'd like to see the site become more active. There's about 3 articles/contests a week, which is much less than before the downtime. It really makes the website feel like it's dying.
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll
Commented on: Dragon Dinghy Giveaway giveaway
Funny thing is, I got a code from stedms during the Voxel Busters' Summer Fashion Show, he was randomly posting them in the chat. I don't see the point of giving people less of a chance when I already have it! Won't be entering this giveaway!
Commented on: Console Release Question Collection page
Commented on: Summer Build Contest Resubmission event
Possibly upload them to imgur then send Etaew the links? I don't know but it could work.
Commented on: Atlas Reactor Mega Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Block Jam 2: Voxel Boogaloo – Anniversary Livestream page
Was hope they'd add THcEount to the Streamer's Dream... I guess I'll have to wait 'til next year...
Commented on: Trovesaurus Downtime page
It's completely alright that you messed up! Everyone does it once in a while. I took this as an opportunity to change all due things on my profile and you may have caused an error but you also took a lot of time into fixing it! Great job! You really deserve a pat on the back for everything you've done!