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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Reduces Boss effects mod
Commented on: Quest chain - Portal to Darkness (AUG 8th - AUG 22nd) page
Commented on: Kirby Energy Hotbar mod
Commented on: Damage Coefficient Stat mod
Works like a charm. Another info stat is always a good thing. Allows us to separate pies from flies. If the streamer is "shy" to show his coeff - he's a ... you know. =)
I can confirm that "Karma Tooltip" mod by StormReaper (its box auto-open part) is working correctly with this mod. I opened a bunch of gem boxes on 70x, and witnessed no problem at all.
TheSymbol, don't worry about the coefficient value, it's roundup error (in comparison to Pfiffel's Damage Calculator) is 0.0001% to 0.0002% (tested on two of my classes, and got a 0.00013898984% and 0.00021731182% roundup error respectively).
One suggestion though - you could add the thousand separators.
Commented on: June Triple Threat Deals – 25% Off page
Commented on: ExoDave Better invites mod
"No issue with claims".
No offence, but you either lying, or haven't tested it enough. =)
Because it's obvious that this mod has issues with the claims tab. It's literally impossible to claim something while the invite is shown. Buttons are "locked", and also scrolling the claims tab is impossible (you have to point the mouse to the very edge to do it).
Made a vid, so that my arguments wouldn't be just plain words. =)
As you can clearly see, without the mod, all the buttons are working, even those which are in close proximity to the invite, and my complains aren't just a butthurt. I want to use the mod (and promote it via the modpack), but I can't atm, because the aim of my modpack is to recommend mods that are 100% working, and aren't "faulty" in any way (even negligible).
Commented on: ExoDave Better invites mod
When you have the invite message on, and you try to claim all the stuff - the claim button is under some transparent "overlay" which won't let it press the claim button. Same goes for Leaderboards/Market tabs.
Standart invite tab has no issues with these buttons while it's on.
Had to remove it from the modpack due to this.
Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod
Commented on: Broadcast Messages Begone mod
Commented on: Improved Arcane&Martial Aura mod
Was done in January by Silwerik & TaidremRU: https://trovesaurus.com/mod=3491/mod-factory-arcane-and-martial-emblems
Commented on: Mod factory - Arcane and Martial emblems mod
Commented on: ExoDave Easy to see biomes mod
It oversimplifies the lighting too much.
It's nice to see a clear picture, but not a PS1 grade one. It's like I have a GT 210, and I turned all the graphical settings off.
Besides, there are alternatives, released in 2016, called "No More Dark Biomes" and "No More Bright Biomes", created by EtherElysium. =) They remove only the "haze" and "overburn" effects, leaving the lighting and the rest as they are.
Also, "clear water" mod isn't that mandatory, imho.
If only there was a "remove fog" only mod... Too bad it died somewhere in the forums, and never got released to mod collection sites.
Commented on: Duck Head mod
Commented on: Easy Glacial Shards mod