Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: August Site Update page
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
It would be nice to have a tickbox menu for which mods you want to feature... Like i wouldn't want to mark some of my mods as discontinued just to get them not to appear... maybe have it as a optional thing to choose which ones you want but still keep the automatic method incase someone doesn't want to go through all their mods and select them all.
Commented on: VFX editing page
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
i agree with this. no point featuring all those terrible discontinued mods or even better, being able to select individually which mods you want to feature in the settings.
Also, the featured mod list looks fairly long so why not have it as one from each category at the most and then make them fade out/in slowly over time in a random order without it causing lag. Should be nice.
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
the thing with shoutbox that make it good was that it was the easiest place to chat online when not ingame because trove's own website doesnt have an official shoutbox. while i quit trove for a while i played starmade and their shoutbox gets used loads (it has colour writing and pictures) even though their community is tiny.
From what i remember about the old shoutbox i dont think it will have much space for titles or the words "gold" over the profile picture. i suppose maybe the name itself could be changed into gold letters? (or any other colour if a yellow/gold is too hard to see)
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page
Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page
Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page
Just finished my guide on VFX for modding :)
Its a 1800 word (totally not wall of text) guide and sadly its not even that much in-depth... atleast it kinda explains some of the basics.
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
The featured mods look pretty useful. Or atleast should be once not everyone has gold. featured clubs idk about because club list still seems empty to me (and i still need to request me being able to claim my own club...) profile picture and banner are nice things to have as gold only and the title.... yea that looks ok. I think this gold thing looks pretty good.
Well saying that i didn't mind the adverts because adverts dont bother me unless they are like terraraia's gamepedia which causes more lag than the game itself just having wiki open for it because of all the ads...
So yea i think its cool.
The email notifications im not sure about... i thought there was a way to do that using trove's forums... i never really looked much tho. livestreaming notifications could be good i suppose. i just wish the website chat box was back again.... that would attract more constant viewers so it would make the livestreaming notification stuff more visible at the right time.
Commented on: VFX editing page
Commented on: Trovesaurus Downtime page
Commented on: Trovesaurus Downtime page